CIP Cyber Threat Reports, Videos, Industry White Papers and Best Practice Guides
From Stuxnet to the Office of Personnel Management and then Sunburst, what have we learnt and what is so obvious, no one is looking at what is staring them in the face?
Organisations rely on strong authentication as a capability to provide access to their corporate assets. For many years Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) and SSH Keys have been at the forefront of these types of critical security controls. However until now PKI systems didn’t allow owners to find all the certificates and keys on their systems.
“Cyber Threats to Our Nation’s Critical Infrastructure” A great document from the US Senate Judiciary Committee, giving testimony by Professor James A Lewis.
Do you use a certificate management provider and yet still have certificates expire and catch you out? Ponemen recently surveyed 2500 global companies and found that the average cost for a global 5000 company due to a certificate outage was about $15M to recover from the loss of business, and faced a further $25m in potential compliance impact, that’s a total of $40M per outage, surely this is unacceptable?
In 1943 the US Air Force tasked Abraham Wald with a problem. Too many of their planes were being shot down so they wanted to add extra armour to the vulnerable parts of the planes. Too much armour would make the planes too heavy to fly properly, so they couldn’t add extra armour over the entire plane. They asked Wald to tell them how much extra armour to add to the parts of the planes that were being hit most often…
Telecommunications or telecom fraud is a fast-growing field of criminal activity and a low-risk alternative to traditional methods of financial crime, costing today’s world some US$32.7 billion (€29 billion) annually, according to a joint report published Thursday by Europol’s…
Cryptography can be defined as the use of codes and ciphers to protect sensitive communication.
Although more understood in recent decades, classic cryptography that is methods of encryption that use pen and paper and are literally thousands of years old…
North Korea has amassed upwards of $670 million worth of bitcoin and other currencies, according to a panel of experts reporting to the UN Security Council…
A large hacking attack on Israeli websites was largely foiled over the weekend. The hackers has attempted to plant ransomware on over one million Israeli web pages, locking users out until they paid a ransom. While the attempt to freeze Israel's internet was thwarted, many web pages were defaced with the words "Jerusalem is the capital of Palestine"…
The ‘Merry go round’ music plays loudly and the game of ‘musical chairs’ plays across the globe. It begs the question: ‘ Is our CISO worth their weight in gold, or could they cost us many times?…