What are Certificate Authorities & Trust Hierarchies?

Certificate Authorities, or Certificate Authorities / CAs, issue Digital Certificates. Digital Certificates are verifiable small data files that contain identity credentials to help websites, people, and devices represent their authentic online identity (authentic because the CA has verified the identity). CAs play a critical role in how the Internet operates and how transparent, trusted transactions can take place online. CAs issue millions of Digital Certificates each year, and these certificates are used to protect information, encrypt billions of transactions, and enable secure communication.

So the $million ($ billion) question is why do so many companies have no idea of what their Enterprise looks like let alone what Certs they have? Some of the biggest and very recent breaches will cost 2 companies in excess of $3 billion from compromised Certificates!

For a Full discovery of Certificates, Keys and to create a resilient Enterprise contact us: Andrew.jenkinson@cybersecip.com
